domenica 29 giugno 2014

Maze of America (USA)

Do you like to play? Are you able to solve the Maze of America (USA)? Try to solve it on your own or check the solution. It's a good exercise for stimulating your brain!

mercoledì 25 giugno 2014

Try to solve the China flag map maze!

A new  maze by Yanito Fremonoshi: the maze with Chine flag map. Try to solve it and find the way to the exit! The solution is waiting for you.
You can try to solve the other mazes that you find in this blog! It's very fun and it stimulates your brain.

martedì 24 giugno 2014

The Canadian flag map maze

Have fun with the Canadian flag map maze by the Japanese artist Yanito Freminoshi! Take a look to the solution. You can try to solve the other mazes that you find in this blog!

lunedì 23 giugno 2014

The Russia Maze in optical art

In this maze in op art style by Yanito Freminoshi you can find the solution for coming out through the Russian flag. Verify the solution

domenica 22 giugno 2014

A Side Up Maze

Do you like to play? Are you able to solve the Side Up maze? Try to solve it on your own or check the solution.
***Anyone can use these mazes for educational or editorial purposes, but to please provide a back-link to the solution or source.

domenica 15 giugno 2014

Try to solve the butterfly maze!

A special  butterfly maze by Yanito Fremonoshi. Try to solve it and find the way to the exit! The solution is waiting for you here.

martedì 10 giugno 2014

Try to solve the high-noon maze

A special and particular high-noon maze by Yanito Fremonoshi. Try to solve it and find the way to the exit! The solution is waiting for you here.

***Anyone can use these mazes for educational or editorial purposes, but to please provide a back-link to the solution or source.

giovedì 5 giugno 2014

The vampire sword samurai maze

Did you find the solution of the vampire sword samurai maze by the Japanese artist Yanito Freminoshi? Take a look to the solution clicking  here.